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Scoala de dans - Congresul pentru antrenori, arbitri si instructori-Mamaia 2010

Congresul pentru antrenori, arbitri si instructori-Mamaia 2010


Conditii de inscriere si cazare la Congresul pentru antrenori, arbitri si instructori-Mamaia 2010

Organizator : Federatia Romana de Dans Sportiv
Perioada : 17 (dupa pranz)-20 iunie 2010
Locul de desfasurare : Hotel Doina – Mamaia, Constanta

Continutul seminarului :
-cursuri teoretice la: teoria antrenamentului sportive si expresivitate corporala, control medical si elemente de kinetoterapie, psihomotricitate;
– tehnica, muzica si muzicalitate in dansurile Standard si Latino-Americane

– elemente de arbitraj;

– prezentarea figurilor syllabus 10 dansuri ( care alcatuiesc subiectele pentru examenul de instructori );

Participanti : profesori, antrenori, arbitri, instructori, dansatori si persoanele care doresc sa devina instructori

Conditii :
Cazare la Hotel Doina ** ( 2 paturi in camera ); Perioada :17-20 iunie 2010 – sosire dupa ora 12.

Oferta cazare : – 80 lei /camera / zi / 1-2 persoane cu :

– demipensiune 45 lei /zi (mic dejun + pranz sau cina)

– pensiune completa 70 lei / zi

In situatia in care nu se doreste si masa camera pentru 1-2 pers / zi costa 100 lei.

– 100 lei taxa pentru participarea dansatorilor si instructorilor
– pentru profesori,antrenori si arbitri costurile seminarului vor fi suportate de F.R.D.S.

-taxa examen arbitri-50 lei

Confirmarea pentru participare si rezervarea pentru cazare si masa se fac pana la data de 01 iunie 2010 la secretariatul FRDS tel/fax 021/3170071, adresa: Str.Vasile Conta nr.16, etaj 6, cam.603, sector 2, Bucuresti.


– varsta minima 16 ani
– un dosar de plastic transparent (mapa de protectie)
– copie dupa cartea de identitate
– adeverinta de elev
– recomandarea din partea unui club afiliat la F.R.D.S.(vezi regulamentul Colegiului de Antrenori)
– taxa pentru examen 50 lei

Modul de examinare:

Examenul va fi scris si practic. Examenul scris va contine intrebari din disciplinele teoretice care vor fi predate la seminar (teoria antrenamentului sportive si expresivitate corporala, control medical si elemente de kinetoterapie, psihomotricitate).

Examenul practic va contine 4 subiecte (2 St. si 2 Lat.).
Nota minima de trecere este 7 pentru fiecare examen.
Candidatii nu pot participa la a II a sesiune de examinare in acelasi an calendaristic.


– varsta minima 18 ani
– un dosar de plastic transparent (mapa de protectie)
– 2 poze tip legitimatie
– copie dupa cartea de identitate
– copie dupa diploma de bacalaureat
– recomandarea din partea unui club afiliat la F.R.D.S.
– dovada prezentei la minim un curs de perfectionare in ultimul an pana la data examenului ( Adeverinta eliberata de Comisia de Antrenori )

-carnetul de dansator
– taxa pentru examen 50 lei

Modul de examinare:

Examenul va fi scris si practic. Examenul scris va contine intrebari din disciplinele teoretice care vor fi predate la seminar (teoria antrenamentului sportiv si expresivitate corporala, control medical si elemente de kinetoterapie, psihomotricitate).
Examenul practic va contine 4 subiecte (2 St. si 2 Lat.)
Nota minima de trecere este 7 pentru fiecare examen.


1. Closed Change Natural to Reverse
2. Closed Change Reverse to Natural
3. Natural Turn
4. Open Natural Turn from PP
5. Reverse Turn
6. Natural Spin Turn
7. Whisk
8. Chasse from PP
9. Closed Impetus

1. Walk
2. Progressive Side Step
3. Progressive Link
4. Closed Promenade
5. ( Natural ) Rock Turn
6. Open Reverse Turn, Lady Outside
7. Open Reverse Turn, Lady in Line
8. Back Corte
9. Progressive Side Step Reverse Turn

1. Natural Turn

1. Feather Step
2. Three Step
3. Curved Three Step
4. Natural Turn
5. Reverse Turn
6. Feather Finish
7. Feather Ending
8. Closed Impetus and Feather Finish
9. Natural Weave

1. Quarter Turn to Right
2. Quarter Turn to Left ( Heel Pivot )
3. Natural Turn
4. Open Natural Turn from PP
5. Natural Turn with Hesitation
6. Cross Chasse
7. Natural Pivot Turn
8. Natural Spin Turn
9. Progressive Chasse
10. Chasse Reverse Turn
11. Forward Lock
12. Closed Impetus
13. Back Lock

1. Rhythm Bounce
2. Basic Movements ( Natural, Reverse, Side )
3. Progressive Basic Movement
4. Outside Basic Movement
5. Whisk to Left and Right
6. Whisk to Left – Volta Spot Turn to Right
7. Whisk to Rightt – Volta Spot Turn to Left
8. Promenade Samba Walk

1. Chasse
2. Basic Movements ( Close, Open, in Place )
3. Time Steps
4. Side Steps
5. Fan
6. Hockey Stick
7. Alemana
8. New-York ( Check from Open CPP and PP )
9. Spot Turn ( to Right or to Left )

1. Basic Movements ( Close, Open, in Place and Alternative )
2. Progressive Walks Forward and Backward
3. Side Steps
4. Cucarachas
5. Fan
6. Alemana
7. Hockey Stick
8. New-York ( Check from Open CPP and PP )
9. Spot Turn ( to Right or to Left )

1. Appel and Slip Appel
2. Basic Movement
3. Sur Place
4. Chasse to Right or to Left ( includig elevation )
5. Drag
6. The Huit ( Cape )
7. Attack
8. Deplacement also Attack
9. Separation

1. Chasse to Left or to Right
2. Basic in Place
3. Basic in Fallaway
4. Change of Place Right to Left
5. Change of Place Right to Left with Change of Hands
6. Change of Place Left to Right
7. Change of Place Left to Right with Change of Hands
8. Link



Clasa HOBBY şi E:
1. Closed Changes Natural to Reserve
2. Closed Changes Reserve to Natural
3. Natural Turn
4. Open Natural Turn from PP
5. Reverse Turn
6. Natural Spin Turn
7. Whisk
8. Chasse from Promenade Position
9. Closed Impetus
10. Hesitation Change
11. Outside Change
12. Reverse Corte
13. Back Whisk
14. Basic Weave
15. Double Reverse Spin
16. Reverse Pivot
17. Back Lock
18. Progressive Chasse to Right

Clasa D: figurile anterioare plus
19. Open Natural Turn
20. Weave from PP
21. Closed Telemark
22. Open Telemark
23. Cross Hesitation
24. Open Telemark and Cross Hesitation
25. Wing
26. Open Telemark and Wing
27. Open Impetus
28. Outside Spin
29. Turning Lock
30. Drag Hesitation


Clasa D:
1. Walk
2. Progressive Side Step
3. Progressive Link
4. Closed Promenade
5. (Natural) Rock Turn
6. Open Reverse Turn Lady Outside
7. Open Reverse Turn Lady in Line
8. Back Corte
9. Progressive Side Step Reverse Turn
10. Open Promenade
11. Rocks Back on Right Foot
12. Rocks Back on Left Foot
13. Natural Twist Turn
14. Natural Promenade Turn
15. Whisk
16. Back Whisk
17. Open Natural Turn
18. Promenade Link
19. Four Step
20 Back Open Promenade
21. Outside Swivel
22. Reverse Outside Swivel
23. Fallaway Promenade
24. Four Step Change
25. Outside Spin
26. Reverse Pivot
27. Open Telemark


Clasa E:
1. Natural Turn

Clasa D si C: figurile anterioare plus
2. Forward Change Natural to Reverse
3. Forward Change Reverse to Natural
4. Backward Change Natural to Reverse
5. Backward Change Reverse to Natural
6. Reverse Turn


Clasa C:
1. Feather Step
2. Three Step
3. Curved Three Step
4. Natural Turn
5. Reverse Turn
6. Feather Finish
7. Feather Ending
8. Closed Impetus and Feather Finish
9. Naturak Weave
10. Quick Natural Weave from PP
11. Change of Direction
12. Basic Weave
13. Double Reverse Spin
14. Whisk
15. Back Whisk
16. Closed Telemark
17. Open Telemark and Feather Ending
18. Top Spin
19. Hover feather
20. Hover Telemark to PP
21. Natural Telemark
22. Hover Cross
23. Open Natural Turn
24. Open Telemark, Natural Turn with Outside Swivel and Feather Ending
25. Open Impetus
26. Weave from PP
27. Reverse Weave
28. Reverse Pivot
29. Quick Open Reverse
30. Outside Spin
31. Natural Twist Turn
32. Natural Twist Turn with Natural Weave Ending
33. Natural Twist Turn with Closed Impetus and Feather Finish Ending
34. Natural Twist Turn with Open Impetus Ending
35. Curved Feather
36. Back Feather
37. Natural Zig-Zag from PP
38. Fallaway Reverse Slip Pivot
39. Natural Hover Telemark
40. Bounce Fallaway cu final Weave
41. Extended Reverse Weave


Clasa HOBBY si E:
1. Quarter Turn to Right
2. Quarter Turn to Left (Heel Pivot)
3. Natural Turn
4. Open Natural Turn from PP
5. Natural Turn with Hesitation
6. Cross Chase
7. Natural Pivot Turn
8. Natural Spin Turn
9. Progressive Chasse
10. Chasse Reverse Turn
11. Forward Lock
12. Closed Impetus
13. Back Lock
14. Reverse Pivot
15. Progressive Chasse to Right
16. Tipple Chasse to Right
17. Tipple Chasse to Left
18. Zig-Zag, Back Lock and Running Finish
19. Natural Turn si Back Lock
20. Change of Direction
21. Double Reverse Spin
22. Outside Change
23. Running Finish/Running Finish ending in PP
24. Whisk
25. Back Whisk

Clasa D: figurile anterioare plus
26. Quick Open Reverse
27. Fishtail
28. Running Right Turn
29. Four Quick Run
30. V6
31. Open Impetus
32. Closed Telemark
33. Open Telemark
34. Outside Spin
35. Running Cross Chasse


Clasa E:
1. Rhytm Bounce
2. Basic Movements(Natural,Reverse,Side)
3. Progressive Basic Movement
4. Outside Basic Movement
5. Whisk to Left and Right
6. Whisk to Left – Volta Spot Turn to Right
7. Whisk to Right – Volta Spot Turn to Left
8. Promenade Samba Walks
9. Side Samba Walk
10. Stationary Samba Walks
11. Close Rocks on RF and LF
12. Reverse Turn
13. Corta Jaca
14. Travelling Botafogos Forward and Backward
15. Shadow Botafogos
16. Volta Movements(Travelling Voltas to Right or to Left, Criss Cross, Solo Spot Volta)

Clasa D: figurile anterioare plus
17. Natural Roll
18. Argentine Crosses
19. Volta Movements(Shadow Travelling Volta, Shadow Circular Volta, Continuous Volta Spot Turn to R or to Left – Maypol)
20. Promenade Botafogos (PP to CPP – ISTD)
21. Same Foot Botafogo
22. Open Rocks to R and L
23. Backward Rocks on RF and LF
24. Plait
25. Foot Changes (ISTD/IDTA)

Se pot dansa fără priză până la patru măsuri muzicale


Clasa HOBBY şi E:
1. ChasseBasic
2. Basic Movements (Close*, Open, in Place)
3. Time Steps*
4. Side Steps
5. Fan*
6. Hockey Stick
7. Alemana
8. New York* (Check from Open CPP and PP)
9. Spot Turns (to Left or to Right)
10. Switch Turn (to Left or to Right)
11. Under Arm Turn (to Right or to Left)
12. Shoulder to Shoulder
13. Hand to Hand
14. Three Cha Cha Chas
15. Natural Top
16. Natural Opening Out Movement
17. Closed Hip Twist
18. Opening out to Right
19. There and Back

Clasa D: figurile anterioare plus
20. Reverse Top
21. Opening Out from Reverse Top
22. Aida
23. Open Hip Twist
24. Cross Basic*
25. Cuban Break (Open Position, Open CPP)
26. Chase
27. Foot Changes
28. Fan Development

* se pot executa folosind şi Guapacha Timming.
Se pot dansa fără priză până la patru măsuri muzicale.


Clasa D:
1. Basic Movements (Closed, Open, in Place and Alternate)
2. Progressive Walks Forward and Backward
3. Side Step
4. Cucarachas
5. Fan
6. Alemana
7. Hockey Stick
8. New York (Check from Open CPP and Open PP)
9. Spot Turn (to Left and to Right)
10. Switch Turn (to Left or to Right)
11. Under Arm Turn (to Left and to Right)
12. Shoulder to Shoulder (Open)
13. Hand to Hand
14. Natural Top
15. Natural Opening Out Movement
16. Close Hip Twist
17. Reverse Top
18. Opening Out from Reverse Top
19. Open Hip Twist
20. Opening Out to Right and Left
21. Spiral
22. Curl
23. Aida (Fallaway – IDTA)
24. Cuban Rocks


Clasa C:
1. Appel and Slip Appel
2. Basic Movement
3. Sur Place
4. Chasse to Right or to Left (including elevation)
5. Drag
6. The Huit
7. Attack
8. Deplacement also Attack
9. Separation
10. Sixteen
11. Twist Turn
12. The Promenades (Promenade, Promenade to Counter Promenade, Promenade Close, Promenade Link)
13. Separation with Lady′s Caping Walks (ISTD/IDTA)
14. Fallaway Ending to Separation
15. Separation with Fallaway Ending
16. Syncopated Separation
17. Grand Circle
18. La Passe
19. Banderillas
20. Fallaway Whisk (Ecart)
21. Fallaway Reverse (ISTD/IDTA)
22. Spanish Line
23. Twist
24. Chasse Cape (ISTD/IDTA)
25. Travelling Spins from PP
26. Travelling Spins from CPP (ISTD/IDTA)
27. Flamengo Taps
28. Farol
29. Farol incorporating Fregolina (IDTA)
30. Fregolina – also Farol (ISTD)
31. Methods of changing feet:
– Hesitation
– Syncopated Sur Place
– Syncopated Chasse
– Left Foot Variation
– Coup de Pique (a, b, c, d)
32. Alternative entries to PP (1, 2, Open Telemark)


Clasa HOBBY şi E:
1. Chasse to Left or to Right
2. Basic in Place
3. Basic in Fallaway
4. Change of Places Right to Left
5. Change of Places Right to Left with Change of Hands
6. Change of Places Left to Right
7. Change of Places Left to Right with Change of Hands
8. Link
9. Change of Hand Behind Back
10. Whip
11. Slow Promenade Walks
12. Quick Promenade Walks
13. American Spin
14. Stop and Go
15. Mooch
16. Left Shoulder Shove (Hip Bump)

Clasa D: figurile anterioare plus
17. Change of Places Right to Left with Double Spam
18. Change of Places Left to Right Overturned
19. Double Cross Whip
20. Throwaway Whip
21. Reverse Whip
22. Fallaway Throwaway
23. Over Turned Fallaway Throwaway
24. Ball Change
25. Simple Spin
26. Miami Special

Bibliografie :
The Ballroom Technique – The Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (ISTD)
Latin American Technique – The Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (ISTD)
Technique of Ballroom Dancing – Guy Howard
Technique of Latin Dancing – Walter Laird (IDTA)
Supplement (Technique of Latin Dancing) – Walter Laird

Tehnica in dansurile Standard – Viorel Dan Nastase
Tehnica in dansurile Latino-americane – Viorel Dan Nastase

REFERAT– conditie de inscriere la examenul pentru promovare ca instructor.

Se va trata un dans – la alegere, din punct de vedere istoric, al continutului, evolutiei si al regulamentului. De asemenea se va concepe o schita de antrenament pentru dansul tratat din punct de vedere teoretic, schita ce trebuie sa cuprinda tot ce se intampla intr-o lectie de antrenament de 90 min (pregatirea organismului pentru efort – „incalzire”cu exercitiile folosite , cu repetari, partea fundamentala – continutul propriu-zis cu tipul de exercitii, nr. de repetari, cu/fara muzica, singur/in pereche si incheierea cu concluzii, aprecieri).

Referatul trebuie sa contina 3-5 pagini scrise cu Times New Roman, font 14, spatiere 1.0 si se va transmite pe E-mail la adresa: , pana la data de 01.06.2010.







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  1. Eu m-am pregatit pentru quickstep, sa-mi tinetii pumnii. Trebuie sa-mi cumpar si costum special? Pe ultimul l-am rupt intr-un cui, in timp ce exersam in casa. Si eu destept…

  2. Eu m-am pregatit pentru quickstep, sa-mi tinetii pumnii. Trebuie sa-mi cumpar si costum special? Pe ultimul l-am rupt intr-un cui, in timp ce exersam in casa. Si eu destept…

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