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Scoala de dans - Cosmin si Andreea

Cosmin si Andreea


Va prezentam perechea de clasa C – juniori I (12-13 ani) Paraschiv Cosmin – Chioveanu Andreea. Clipurile video de mai jos ilustreaza toate cele zece dansuri din competitiile de dans sportiv: sectiunea latino si standard. Sportivii au obtinut locul I la Open Basic standard respectiv locul III la Open Basic latino la Cupa Pygmalion. Felicitari!

Cosmin Paraschiv – Chioveanu Andreea

by HobbyDance

0 comentarii la „Cosmin si Andreea”

  1. Here it’s something to bring joy to your eyes as it brings happiness to my soul and rivers of tears into my eyes. I’m talking about Andreea and Cosmin, pair number 435, who are two angels who work their butts off to succeed and become the best dancers. Unfortunately, I don’t know much about Cosmin but that he travelles miles to get to his dance lessons and by the time he gets back home most of us are sound asleep… Andreea is the most amazing and hardworking girl that I’ve ever known and I’m so proud she’s my little cousin and goddaughter!!! She doesn’t only take her dance lessons most seriously, but she’s a top pupil at school, participating to all subjects competitions and when she doesn’t have any dance training, she makes sure she goes over the choreographies at home and works out by herself. Hats off to both of you my darlings and I wish you the best of luck in whatever you are doing!!!

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